I read a lot of all kind of British litterature. Both the scientific books from Oxford and Cambridge, and a lot of the mystical tomes from the British underground.
So in all humility, I believe, that I have a feeling about Great Britain that is more than just superficial. That is why I like Great Britain so much, and off also because it reminds me of Denmark, just as a brother would do.
Where the brits have developed amazingly after we shared kings, we in Denmark may have remained small in comparison, but we have our qualities as well, among them Grundtvig, the founding father of Danish intellectualism.
It may be a peasant country, but even peasants have their illuminaries and wise men.
In Denmark we have this academic principle called the folk soul. The point being, that the people have a common soul, that somehow encompasses the people, the folk, and thereby makes a kind of spiritual and democratic unity.
After having read some of the more mystical books from England, I realised, that the same used to be said about the Empire. The Empire had a soul as well. I have tracked the ideas, and found that it comes from Iamblichus, the pupil of Plato. So it is a platonic idea.
Now the Empire is in dire straits, but have a chance to be rebuilt again. That is essentially the task of mr. Johnson. If he manages to rebuild the empire, he will perhaps get close to his great ideal Winston Churchill.
The two look very much alike, and there is just that chance.
At a deeper level though. I believe, that if we do not speak about the spiritual matters, then how can the empire be rebuilt?
Getting a comeback in the Anglican Church is more than just a spiritual rebirth, it is actually the rebirth of the British empire we are talking about.
Here the Iamblicusian idea of the soul of the people or empire is very important.
It is not just a matter of making trade deals. But a matter of truly connecting on a more important level. The level of soul. That is friendship, good ideas, community, doing something worthwhile together. Supporting each other in the needs of each part of the empire and so on.
In other words, the CULTURAL part of the rebirth of the empire is in many ways truly important.
It is about that feeling between the different countries of the empire, how they work together and so on.
That is the endgame; to strengthen that.
That soul of the empire.
G-d bless the wisdom of the ancients.