
Archive for the ‘Iran’ Category

Iran deal

October 20th, 2017 No comments

I respect that Mr. Trump has listened to Mr. Netanyahu in his attempt to make at better deal with Iran. Fix it or nix it, well, we are trying to fix it. But then what are the bodies of such an operation. Should I be the sole arbiter? Ok, if that is what it takes. […]

Categories: Iran, Politics Tags:


October 9th, 2017 No comments

I truly understand the view of Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Trump. And I understand, that there is a great worry about the proliferation of nuclear material, not alone nuclear bombs. At the core of the worry is a lack of trust in Iran. That I also truly understand, there is a lot of bad blood […]

Categories: Iran, Politics Tags:


November 30th, 2013 No comments

Bringing Iran away from the course of less accept and the more shallow understanding of what Iran is, is a difficult one. Because Iran is an ancient Nation, it dates all the way back to Cyrus, and the layers of wisdom is fused together in an often destructive way. When Islam was introduced into Persia, […]

Categories: Iran, Politics Tags:


August 7th, 2013 No comments

In the ancient time, Zoroaster preached, that good deeds should follow good thoughts, that again should follow good ideas. We believe that when we are met with beautiful thoughts and ideas, beauty will result from the encounter. Now, the wise priests of Persia have come to us, with arms outstretched. They have good thoughts, and […]

Categories: America, Iran, Politics Tags:


I do absolutely agree on the plans of Mr. Lavrov and the newly elected president of the Iranian Republic Mr. Rouhaini. Yes, if there is a possibility to stop the 20 % enrichment of uranium, and stop at 5,3 %, that is a deal. That is it. It should be met with open arms and […]

Categories: Iran, Politics Tags:


It is with a great pleasure and extreme excitement, that we see that Iran has got a more moderate leader as president. He is, according to his communication, a man of peace. It should pave the way for peace in the Middle East. There are no doubt, that Ahmadinejad was a man of war, and […]

Categories: Iran, Islam Tags:


The problems in the Middle east are spiraling out of control. In the centre is the ongoing competition between Sunni and Shia. On one side represented by the fighting forces of shia, Hezbollah, on the other side represented by the fighting forces of the Sunni; Al Queda and other affiliates. Now, who are we to […]

Categories: Arab, Iran, Israel, Justice, Knight, Syria, war Tags:


January 6th, 2013 No comments

In order to change the current development of Iran into something more of a positive trend. Here is a quite basic advice, with the deep respect given to iran. Basically, the most amazing and best contribution the proud, complex and wise Persian civilization gave to the world, is the concept of goodness. Zoroaster invented the […]

Categories: Iran Tags:


January 3rd, 2013 No comments

We need to understand the basic power structure behind the scenes of the Iranian government to really make a deal with the Iranians. And we have to show them the basic decency of respect in terms of allegiance. The result of the negotiation should be a renewed and more prosperous Iran, and a friend won. […]

Categories: Iran Tags:

The foes

December 5th, 2012 No comments

To truly turn the wheels around, as we are called to do, if we want to do a work for a better world, we will have to realize the true foe of the enlightened. There are those who hide in darkness, and those who live in light. As it is said in our scriptures, there […]

Categories: Democracy, Enlightenment, Iran, Scandinavia, Syria Tags:

Israel and Iran

October 4th, 2012 1 comment

We can discuss how Israel should contribute to the conflict with Iran. First of all, the problem is; it is a war. War is one of the most difficult things to handle in terms of ethics. There are several problems. If you just fight, you might win, but it can be meaningless without an ethical […]

Categories: Democracy, Iran, Israel Tags:

Regime change and debates

October 4th, 2012 No comments

We are now witnessing an emerging democratic movement in Iran. It seems to me, that not only are the Iranians tired of the economic sanctions that has been put the land, but they are actively voting, with their feet, for democracy. In the past few days, an initial uprising has been seen in the markets […]

Categories: America, Iran Tags:


September 24th, 2012 No comments

    In regards to the Iranian threat to Israel, that continues as a possibility we cannot ignore. I have the following ideas and thought as to how we can prepare a peaceful solution to the threat. Maybe not absolutely peaceful, after all, war is a dangerous endeavour, but a solution with the least amount […]

Categories: America, Democracy, Iran Tags:


September 14th, 2012 No comments

In the conflict with the Islamist controlled Iran, we are en deep waters. They have finally used one of the big guns; coordinated attack on embassies over the entire Middle East. They did it with the Mohammed Cartoons, and they are trying to do the same with a new film. Here are some of the […]

Categories: Iran Tags:


September 3rd, 2012 No comments

If Iran needs to change it would meet a welcoming hand of the West, and off cause of Israel. Let us be honest with the islamic republic. In reality it is a bit like the Nazis take over of Germany. They seized the moment. In a situation of chaos and distress, they were the strongest […]

Categories: Iran Tags: