
Archive for the ‘Corruption’ Category

Strategy northern hemisphere

October 19th, 2012 No comments

When we look upon the northern kingdoms, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England, Holland they all have one thing in common; a falling socialist environment. After the fall of the Iron curtain, new states emerged. They all had a difficult past with communist state systems of megalith coordination and control. The system worked as a state controlled, […]

Categories: Corruption, Democracy, Socialism Tags:

Freedom of speech

September 28th, 2012 No comments

When it comes to the defense of free speech, there can be absolutely no discussion; it is not to be suppressed in any way possible. It is the first principle of democracy, and there is no way to control a curbing of it in any rational way. Either we have it, or we do not […]

Civil liberties alliance

When I first entered the antiislamic campaign. Well, I suppose I was naive. We all are, when we enter the international stage of politics. One of the most naive things of my own attitutede was the belief in the compatriots I chose. I thought, by being idealistic, I could change the world. Well after many […]

Categories: Corruption Tags:


The problems of Norway are full og both promise and demise. We are approaching a final showdown of the socialist states  The projects; the Islamization, the oppressive part of the European Union, and the antisemitism is fullblooming and meeting its advesarys. Already the Christians have replied in blood to the atrocities and active persecution by […]

Categories: Corruption Tags:

Be careful Norway

April 17th, 2012 No comments

The socialists states of Northern Europe is in a deep distress, and on the verge of collapse. The hapless citizens of Norway, Sweden and Denmark have been raped and trashed by second-rate jihadis imported by the corrupt states. Now, will the global community just accept this absurd tragedy, or will it act? There is such […]

Categories: Corruption Tags:

Strategy in the light of the demonstration

Now, post demonstration wise, things are starting to clear up, and the basic political realities are getting clearer and clearer. This will underline the new strategic implications the liberal perspective will have to apply to fight another day. Let us try to focus the analysis of the current political realities. First of all, the shocking […]

The jews and the meeting in Aarhus

It has been a fine day for freedom, or rather it has been a day where the mechanisms of the decomposing socialist/Islamist state of Denmark had a punch on its nose. It did all it could to bring us down; the media, the secret police, the hordes of communist youth and Islamist youth attacked the […]

Categories: Corruption, Democracy, Denmark Tags:


March 25th, 2012 No comments

To understand the depth of the northern european crisis, one has to understand the roots of the crisis. Let us have a look on that. Where do all the problems we face today stem from? Enemies First, let us take the manipulation of the enemies. The initial enemy was the Soviet Union. It infiltrated and […]

To stay true

January 5th, 2012 No comments

There are many threaths that we have to meet, the stigmatization, the persecution, the unimaginable corruption in the close relationships of friends and family. We need to sustain, we need to gain, we need to recapture the flag. The flag of freedom. This is some of the experiences we can draw from the last confrontation […]

The difficult political task

December 27th, 2011 1 comment

It is a world of turmoil we are heading for; war, conflict, suffering and lack of everything. It is the war of giants against the war of the little man. We are here, to try to turn the tide, and create a purpose behind the striving. This can only be done in an understanding of […]

Categories: Corruption, Enlightenment, Law, Love, Spirit, war Tags:

The enslaver of light

November 7th, 2011 4 comments

To bring light into live, one has to be honest and straightforward. There is no “perhaps”, or “if you could see my way”, there is only; I belive in the future in my kids, and that future is bright, because I believe, I believe in freedom, I believe G-d put us here on this earth, […]

Democracy and spirit

September 4th, 2011 1 comment

To understand the way of the future, one has to understand the connection between spirit and democracy, or rather the connection forged by the Mesopotamians and the great Babylonians, among others. These quintessential first true cities of the West were much more than we understand today, there are traces of understanding in the old testament, […]

To understand reality

The discussion between right and wrong, and light and dark is necessary to understand in order to bring peace. First of all; Love is not the only ingredient in man, there is also the shadow, the evil in man. So, to make a world where love reigns, we have to understand the evil in man, […]

Categories: Corruption, Enlightenment, Love, Metaphysics Tags:

Break down the corrupt towers of media

The mass media is the modern version of an evil tyrant. It works its evil ways in a simple equation, that will hold it unaccountable for its corrupt deeds, and yet present it as shining beacon of truth. It is non of the above, it is a simple means of corruption and oppression, and all […]

Categories: Corruption, Liberalism, Love Tags:

Do as you preach

To be a democrat is not easy, especially these days, where strange theories are cluttering the hemisphere of the west; liberalism all in the clutches of money, conservatism with has an “international” outview, socialism with no real connection to the poor. What can we do, to solve the crisis we are in? Well, there is […]