
Archive for the ‘Egypt’ Category

Rosh Hashanah

September 10th, 2018 No comments

Happy new year all fellow Jews. Each year comes with challenges and happiness. Each year is one more year gone in ones life. This is a time to look back, and think a little about what happened and how we may find new ways the next year. The last year was good in the sense, […]

Categories: Egypt Tags:


December 2nd, 2013 No comments

There is a new constitution coming up in Egypt. Thank G-d for that, and may all the ancients guard over the wise men who build this new land. In the ancient time Egypt was called two lands, one the upper part with all the small rivers and the abundance of fishing and commerce. The second […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:


September 13th, 2013 No comments

The Christians of the Middle East are all under attack, they are paying the price for chaos and tumult that we in the West have started. This is not in anyones interest, least of all us, we in the West who wanted to make a better world. Now, the most pressing issue, and something we […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:


August 21st, 2013 No comments

Egypt is a country walking from its inception five – six thousand years ago till today, first as a conqueror, then as countries around it grew stronger; as an old shadow of its inceptive powers. It is like a shadow hanging over humankind. We know, from the bible, the Torah and the Quran, that Moses […]

Categories: Egypt Tags:

New constitution

August 20th, 2013 No comments

Concerning the ongoing debate on the constitution, there is apparently a discussion on the banning of religious parties in the parliament. First of all, I believe it is important to discuss where these problems arise, when they arise, and the appropriate measure on the case. Democracy is unique in the sense that it is the […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:

Letter from Mohammad Salmawy

August 19th, 2013 No comments

There is a defining moment in all persons life, a time where we are really defined as human beings, with ethics, moral, heart and so on. This is one of those, I cannot, with all I have express how important it is to listen to this man. The chairman of the writers union and a […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:

Strategy Egypt

August 19th, 2013 No comments

When we look upon Egypt these days, we need to look behind the curtains. Remember when we started the Arab spring? We won that fight by being honest to what we believed in, and be using inventive and new methods. What we did, was that we stood upon the knowledge, that a common method in […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:

Peace in Egypt

August 17th, 2013 No comments

From when Egypt started as a nation, it has always been afraid of chaos. The defining character of a good pharaoh, was his ability to contain the chaos and bring order. This is knowledge of the Muslim Brotherhood, who know, that chaos is the agent of destruction in Egypt. They know that trouble, destruction and […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:


The land of Egypt is ancient, it developed much of what we take for granted today; religion, science, politics, musical theory, psychology and much much more. At its present state it is but a shadow of its former self. Grinded down through millennia of abuse and mismanagement. It started with Ptolemy really. He streamlined the […]

Categories: Egypt Tags:


Egypt is on a new course. The elected president Mr. Morsi is ousted and a new regime of generals are in place. Now, is that good or bad. Definitely good I would say. As most Egyptians feel, the Muslim Brotherhood did not think of all when they put in their new system, but thought only […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:


To initiate a new constitution for Egypt, there are numerous principles and joined but adequate environmental hands to join. Look at it this way. Two thousand five hundred years ago Egypt was conquered first by Persians and then by the Greek. Ultimately it went through a series of conquerors from Romans to Arabs until it […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:

The Copts of Egypt

I believe, that the Copts of Egypt are under fire. The Muslim Brotherhood vents their anger on the hapless Christians who are absolutely unprotected. This is not a viable situation, and I call upon all who are the protectors of Christians to put aside what they do, and focus on Egypt. The Coptic church is […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:


It is truly amazing, I am so impressed by the Egyptian military, it is professional, ethical and well planned in its actions. It seems to me, that it is not a power grab, but a necessary action to stop all the violence and problems on the street. Now, we have a serious process that will […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:


I wholly support the military and the youthful opposition to Morsi. It seems to me, that the rest of the society, that is all those who are not willing and interested in being run by a power hungry Islamist, is trying to make a stand. The vote was won by Morsi, but that does not […]

Categories: Egypt, Politics Tags:


Things are getting a lot better in the Middle East these days. I believe that the ascent of Mr. Morsi as a key player in the Middle East is a good thing, as long as he puts his country’s interest over his own and his parties interest. It seems to me, that the process of […]

Categories: Egypt Tags: