
Archive for the ‘Spirit’ Category

Take care of the one besides you

October 2nd, 2018 No comments

I think many people in the EU are scratching their heads right now, trying to understand why things are going down the drain. It is really quite simple. All philosophy of certain quality and spirituality has one goal; to shed the egoism of this world, and become a giver. That is what it is to […]

Categories: Spirit Tags:

The cities of light

December 19th, 2017 No comments

I believe, that the current crisis in the humanities, is really a lack of faith in the basic tenets of humanism.  When Swedes cover up barbaric crimes to be humanistic, then there is something completely wrong. The same goes for human sciences, where semiotics and deconstruction is still more or less the crux of the […]

Categories: Spirit Tags:


August 3rd, 2017 No comments

A lot of the people that read Rubicon are spiritually searching people. Not people who have all the answers, but people who try to understand what G-d really wants us to do here in our brief time on the planet earth. We are all sinners to a certain degree, but we are also persons who have […]

Categories: Spirit Tags:

Anglican Church

April 25th, 2016 No comments

If you want to fight, you have to be prepared to get hit from time to time, that is the way with fighting. This is especially true with the renaissance of the Anglican church. You get a new message from here, another hit from there, but as when you do a pilgrimage, the difficulties of […]

Categories: Spirit Tags:


To truly understand the meaning of the existence, and perhaps dig a little deeper into the meaning of our lives, we must understand the relationship between matter and spirit. It is an intricate question. On one hand we have the realization, that a singular focus on material things are easily degrading of a human being. […]

Categories: Spirit Tags:

The Christian Minorities of Middle East

March 28th, 2013 No comments

The very ancient homelands of the Christians; Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria are these days in the most evil of circumstances; the people there are persecuted, vilified, their daughters are raped, and they are easy prey. This is the homeland of a beautiful culture, and their faith is all in our hands. They are totally without […]

The cause and the effect

March 5th, 2013 1 comment

We are entering a huge conflict between hopefully peacefulminded people, but most probably not. In this conflict we have to be sure, that our actions are as well founded in serious philosophy. Theoprastus whom I read such a beautiful book of, has another gem of insight I would love to share with you guys here at […]

Categories: Spirit Tags:

Physics and metaphysics

In my research to prove the existence of G-d, I have come to new eureka moment. It just struck me. After having read some really advanced and complicated hermetic philosophy for a while, I just realized what hermetic philosophy really is; it is the lore of the core of catholic faith. Why do the monks […]

Categories: Spirit Tags:

Strategy in the light of the demonstration

Now, post demonstration wise, things are starting to clear up, and the basic political realities are getting clearer and clearer. This will underline the new strategic implications the liberal perspective will have to apply to fight another day. Let us try to focus the analysis of the current political realities. First of all, the shocking […]

New dawn

March 28th, 2012 No comments

    In the upcoming EDL/SIAD meeting a lot discussion will hopefully take place. It should be more than just a physical manifestation, it should also be a chance to exchange ideas and hopefully plan for the future. Here are some of the experience we have had here in Denmark concerning antiislamist/political discussion and work. […]

The church

February 29th, 2012 No comments

The beauty of christian thought is beyond belief. The spiritual ideas crafted in the egyptian chambers, has been kept and served for two millenia. When Jesus Christ emerged in the fertile land of the crescent, he drew on sources we can, today, only fathom. Now some christians are not happy with the jews, basically they […]

Categories: Friendship, Spirit Tags:


February 22nd, 2012 No comments

As the forces move behind the scenes, reappear in the form known before but yet unmaterialized, we strive for ideals put forth and formulated so long ago; in the halls of Lun by the sharp pen of the egyptian clericacy. People do not know what the basis of the western world is, yes they know […]

Freedom we fight for

January 31st, 2012 No comments

We are heading for a confrontation; Ahmadinejad is slowly loosing his allies, and he is getting a little worried. He still has a major power in the underground forces that he controls in the West. We need to confront these troops of horror. They are still under cover in all the ghettos around the European […]

Categories: Democracy, Denmark, England, Love, Ra, Spirit Tags:

Holocaust memorial

January 29th, 2012 No comments

Sometimes, when I look back at my family history I despair a little, so many heroes, so many extraordinary people, that I have to live up to. How can I live up to the person who founded the most brilliant Højskole of Denmark, my great, great grandfather Ernst Trier? What about my own father who […]

Categories: Denmark, Israel, Love, Spirit, war Tags:


January 12th, 2012 2 comments

To fight an enemy, you have to be honest to yourself, and honest to the opponent you are fighting. If you try to deceive him, he will be in your throat faster than you can imagine. Now, the enemy we are fighting is fighting exactly in the opposite manner, or rather they are still fighting […]

Categories: America, Enlightenment, Spirit Tags: