
Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

American election

February 23rd, 2012 No comments

Be careful, the other participants in the american election are slowly getting ready for the real deal. The action on the election preparations have been nothing more than a preparation for the serious action; the battle between the radical republicans and the moderate democrats. As I have said before, I think the contestor will be […]

Categories: America, Democracy Tags:


February 22nd, 2012 No comments

As the forces move behind the scenes, reappear in the form known before but yet unmaterialized, we strive for ideals put forth and formulated so long ago; in the halls of Lun by the sharp pen of the egyptian clericacy. People do not know what the basis of the western world is, yes they know […]

New moves against Ahmadinejad

February 19th, 2012 No comments

We are behind the lead of Ahmadinejad now, because he now has won a respite. The letter he send to the Americans is only a letter send to buy him time. He knows that the Americans are unwilling to engage in an all out destructive war. So he shows the world, that America has no […]

Categories: America, Democracy, Iran Tags:

The American dream

February 16th, 2012 No comments

When you talk politics in connection to economy, you have to dig down to the basics. What is the basics; the simple fact that politics is a production environment in terms of economy. Or rather, what we want to do as politicians, is to make sure, that people can and will produce things. This is […]

Categories: America, Democracy Tags:

Justice, Israel and pythagoras

February 14th, 2012 No comments

To win a war, we have to think in terms of justice. There are many ideas on the theory of justice, but there is one which is very simple and true. The theory of Pythagoras. It goes like this; If you do some wrong in the value of six you have to repent by the […]

Categories: Democracy, Iran, Israel Tags:

Strategic considerations

February 12th, 2012 No comments

Looking forward, some things are going very well, other things are not really heading our way. First of all, we have done all we could to prepare for the war in the Middle East. We have now a sound cooperation between all the parties behind the West; America, Israel, France, England and a lot of […]

Categories: Democracy Tags:


February 10th, 2012 No comments

To realize a solution to the Syrian situation is extremely complex; there are numerous interests involved in the confrontation, and all should realize their own potential share of the land. First we have the Alawi, the Alawi are a indigenous group of people sharing a sort of mystic version of Islam. They are not directly […]

Categories: Democracy, Syria Tags:

United we stand divided we fall

February 9th, 2012 No comments

The defense of Northern Europe is slowly building up, the leagues, the other freethinking individuals who gather to defend their homelands. My message is quite clear, as I see it. The great weakness we have is that we are too fragmented. We need to adhere to a single banner. That banner is freedom, freedom of […]

Categories: Democracy, Denmark, England, Europe Tags:

The Muslim Brotherhood and The Arab League

February 7th, 2012 No comments

The Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab League has become a problem. Why? Because they do not belong to the democratic league, and they have been actively plotting against the West and Russia through organizations as CAIR and OIC. Now, in the Middle East they serve as bases of power for us, and they have a […]

Categories: Democracy, Middle East Tags:

The peace we are loosing

February 6th, 2012 No comments

We are now very close to the final showdown; Israel has, wisely toned down some of the aggressive war rhetoric. It is good, Israel cannot attack Iran by itself, the cards on the table has to be played wisely, secretly and very carefully. The most important game right now is the game of Russia, this […]

Categories: Democracy Tags:

We want to make peace

February 5th, 2012 No comments

We are heading for another power show down, unfortunately a show down along cold war lines, it is not good enough. We should, seriously leave the cold war power alignments, and redo the alignments according to the political and economical lines of the 21 century. There is a democratic league that opposes a post soviet […]

Categories: Democracy Tags:

Zionism today

February 3rd, 2012 1 comment

It is time to reconsider, the ruse of Ahmadinejad is removed from the Hormuz strait to the more potent threat of the atomic bomb. To walk into that ruse is to be puppeteered by a man of superior intelligence than yourself. So, as a jew, my angle would be; do not take the bait. Why […]

Categories: Democracy, Israel Tags:

To be on the good side

January 31st, 2012 No comments

The people of Iran are slowly waking up to the sincere reality, that help might soon be on its way. It has been a long walk in the shadow of the Mullahs. They have been persecuting, stripping the Iranian of their freedom, tyrannising the hapless people who has a strong and sincere ideological strife to […]

Categories: America, Democracy, Denmark, Friendship, Iran, Israel Tags:

Freedom we fight for

January 31st, 2012 No comments

We are heading for a confrontation; Ahmadinejad is slowly loosing his allies, and he is getting a little worried. He still has a major power in the underground forces that he controls in the West. We need to confront these troops of horror. They are still under cover in all the ghettos around the European […]

Categories: Democracy, Denmark, England, Love, Ra, Spirit Tags:

Ahmadinejad continued

January 28th, 2012 No comments

We are entering a new phase in the ongoing feud with Ahmadinejad, his moves are not enclosed in secrecy, due to the openness of internet. We know what he does and consequently his network of power emerges. Let us have a look on the current events, and the consequent implications. The most revealing move is […]