
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

South Africa

August 24th, 2018 No comments

There is a renewed attention to South Africa, and I really support it. The current PM in South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa has just given the green light for a forced destruction of a number of farms that belong to white people. This is pure and disgusting racism. If you see what has happened to some […]

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November 10th, 2017 No comments

When Rome went from a smallish Italian power to become a world power, it tried to put all the different faiths and creeds under one idea. That idea is called Christianity.  But before that happened, there was something that was exclusively Roman. The idea of discipline and the faith in an ordered universe. After many years […]

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The Copts

In Egypt, there is a rise in anti Christian sentiment. Especially the Copts, who is an ancient Christian group of worship has been hit hard.  The current government of Al-Sisi tries it best to protect the Copts, but the problems persists. Especially ISIS related gangs seems to be targeting the poor Copts with suicide bombers and […]

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Winter is coming

Great literature usually carries a claim to formulate what is not conscious. The subconscious truths that we all agree upon, but are not ready to speak openly about.  You can shine with the light of the moon or the light of the sun. The moonlight is usually the light of great novels. The philosopher however must […]

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The path of goodness

I have been reflecting a bit on the ethical stance of the renewed Democratic Party. Why is it so important? There are several reasons. First of all, because being a good person, is in itself important. Goodness or the ability to serve G-d on this green earth, is an imperative for us all. But there are […]

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When it comes to development of a liberal perspective, I believe there is a more profound discussion we need to take.  It is about values. What do we really believe in. Virtue is at the heart of all political as well as personal development. According to Isocrates, virtue is the one thing you can never […]

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New perspectives

I know, that I have been a bit too supportive of Mr. Trump. But I think it is wise due to two considerations. 1. I truly believe, that the best way to make the best things of Mr. Obamas legacy survive is by cooperation. 2. There was a very true challenge to the system itself […]

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April 25th, 2017 No comments

​Well, after some kind of guard change, we have come to this. Some of the policies that Barack and I have implemented, most notably the attempt to finish the cold war, has remained in the new administrations view.  The fight against ISIS is also still on, and the fight against China has taken a strange […]

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Seminar in the US

March 23rd, 2017 No comments

I have been given the opportunity to find a remedy for the liberal trouble in the US. With one of my good friends, I will make a small seminar with a powerful message.  It is my hope, that I will be able to turn the downfall of the Liberals around.  It is all about one […]

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The institution of kingship in Israel

October 12th, 2016 No comments

There are a lot of signs, that points to the imminent arrival of the Messiah, peace is slowly descending on the Middle East, Israel is thriving, and it seems to me, that there actually is a viable chance that the house of David will indeed be reinstated in the state of Israel.  If we look […]

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American Election

October 5th, 2016 No comments

Well, it was an ok debate yesterday, it was not the prettiest, but it will work.  When we look at the connection to budding Democrats, that tries to learn us about what it is to be young, there is one point we have not truly realized yet, but we need; the fight with Islamic state.  […]

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Shimon Peres

September 29th, 2016 No comments

When we live up to the expectations of what we are as Jews. There are no closed doors anywhere. When we do not, we are vilified and hated. That is the way it is. The choosing of us as a people, is not just a blessing, it is, as much, a curse. We have to […]

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To develop the world, the world needs to have peace. Otherwise most of the ressources and the ability to invest in the betterment of humanity is forfeit. It is like a lake, if there is war, the ressources are sucked up, the dams breached will take away water. If there is peace, the dams will […]

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Lars Løkke

January 27th, 2016 No comments

Everybody loves to hate mr. Lars Løkke Rasmussen, the PM of Denmark. Well, I do agree. I think he is really the most stupid politician in the world. They way he controls the migration, the way he treats me, the way he treats the international opinion, is just stupid. It is a disgrace to all […]

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November 2nd, 2015 No comments

Germany is wavering on the brink of destruction. The far right is waiting for the state to fall, and the state is totally unprepared for the violent onslaught on its institutions. You could say, that it is well deserved, but to me, a sinner is not a word to be used. What we need to […]

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